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A Tiger in the Zoo

by Leslie Norris

An insight into the condition of the beast rendered helpless by captivity

“And stares with his brilliant eyes at the brilliant stars.”

Answer the following questions:

1) Find the words that describe the movements and actions of the tiger in the cage and in the wild. Arrange them in two columns.

​In the cage

In the wild



quiet rage




ignoring visitors

baring his white fangs

hears the patrolling cars


stares at the stars

2) Find the words that describe the two places, and arrange them in two columns.

The Cage

The Wild

few steps


concrete cells

long grass

behind bars

near the water hole

jungle's edge

in a village, around houses

3) What do you think is the effect of using repetition?

(i) On pads of velvet quiet,

In his quiet rage.

Here, by repetition of the word ‘quiet’ the poet tries to highlight the helplessness of the tiger. The tiger is very angry, but he walks softly and he is suppressing his anger within.

(ii) And stares with his brilliant eyes

At the brilliant stars.

The word ‘brilliant’ is repeated here to describe both the eyes and stars. This indicates that the eyes of the tiger are hopeful as he looks at the stars above. As the stars twinkle, there is a glow of hope in the tiger’s eyes for his freedom.

Poem Analysis:

* Rhyme Scheme:



* Figures of Speech:

1) Personification:

The tiger has been personified throughout the poem.

2) Imagery:

  • vivid stripes (visual)

  • hears the last voice (auditory)​

3) Metaphor:

  • 'pads of velvet' used to describe the soft paws of the tiger

4) Oxymoron:

  • quiet rage

5) Repetition:

  • velvet quiet / In his quiet rage

  • stares with his brilliant eyes / At the brilliant stars

6) Alliteration:

  • stalks, stripes, steps

  • should be lurking in shadow

  • plump deer pass

  • behind bars

7) Onomatopoeia:

  • snarl

8) Metonymy:

  • The word 'strength' is used to represent the whole body of the tiger.

9) Enjambment:

  • Line 1, 2

  • Line 6, 7, 8

  • Line 9, 10

  • Line 19, 20

10) Symbolism:

  • Tiger – Every person who is restricted or not able to enjoy total freedom of choices

  • Cage – Any limitation that the society imposes on an individual or an individual imposes on himself by not trying something

  • Wild – The place where the person would be truly free and would be leading the life he/she wants if he/she had tried something new and rose above the limitations of the society

  • Stars – Hope, light and freedom

Mind-map of Analysis

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