by Dhaval Rathod

“In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.”

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
The novel begins with one of the best opening lines in the English literature that we have heard time and again, and has drawn a lot of attention from the literary critics as well. And I must admit that Austen's flair does not for a moment weaken throughout the narrative following that remarkable kickoff.
The story addresses human emotions and follies impeccably well. We immediately relate to the characters as they are ordinary people (although some are filthy rich) with their own goods and bads. What makes this story stand out among other romantic tales is that the characters actually change and grow in the process not only to understand each other, but also themselves, and towards appreciating this world with a better perspective. Although there were two couples who overcame their inner obstacles in their pursuits or rather discovery of their love, Mr. Bennet is my favorite character of all. His comic timing and sarcastic remarks add a lively humor to this early 19th century story. I believe he deserves a story of his own.
Austen's style of writing is so detailed, and penetrates so much into the minds of the characters that we literally read every thought that sparks there. The sentences are long and complex, and that perfectly suits the muddled and nervous thoughts of the characters involved.
The plot is also brilliantly structured with a lot of twists and surprises, although some of them we could see coming after having read this genre extensively, but they add their own flavor nonetheless.
The book serves as a prominent piece of satire on criteria for marriages, societal class, vanity, fake appearances of civility, and on the silliness of people's prejudice and judgment of other individuals.
No wonder the book has been hailed as a classic for two centuries, and no surprise if it remains so for the next two as well.